Introducing PR & Marketing Associate, Andrea Sexton
September 13, 2017
My general theme is helping businesses, brands and their people sell more of their ‘stuff’ and build a great reputation through PR and copywriting.
How did you figure out that this was what you wanted to do?
It found me 🙂
My Mum was a writer – in fact she was an early adopter of the #workstyle movement. When I was little, writing fit around looking after me. I remember she would mention when we needed more money and I would simply say, ‘can’t you write something Mummy?’
I started out in sales and ended up doing the marketing, PR, and copywriting as well. I found that the PR and writing was what I was good at – and I loved it.
Why do you love what you do?
It’s creative – much more than people imagine. Every day is totally different and I can make a difference to businesses and the people that work there.
What have been some highlights of your career/some cool things you have done?
One of my clients won 2 medals at the London Olympics – I couldn’t bear to watch so I hid in my car until someone text me the result! Feeble I know 😉
I’ve also had some pretty good late nights in great cities around the world with clients. I’m a homebody at heart, but I love to travel and see different places.
What limitations or struggles did you experience when you worked in a more traditional 9-5 format?
It’s really tough with kids. I have 3 small children and it’s very hard on my family to work those hours. My husband has a bike shop and is out working for long hours so I do most of the house stuff – sorting out the kids and cooking etc… so I have to have a flexible life. I also love working early mornings to get organised and am much more creative before lunch. I love my own space so working for myself is essential. It’s also easier to nip out for a run now.
Why did you decide to join The Hoxby Collective and the workstyle movement?
A friend put me in contact a couple of years ago. Although I like my own company, running your own business can be lonely, being part of Hoxby is like having a worldwide family.
Do you love what you do more now that you have the freedom to work how you like? Why?
Yes – I like setting my own rules. I’ve never been a rule breaker as such but it’s nice to be in charge of my own day and destiny.
What’s your #workstyle?
I love working early in the morning, when the sun is coming up. With a busy house it’s the only time it’s quiet. Just me and the cat. I also go to bed early at night with a good book so this routine suits my natural sleep rhythms.
Any advice for anyone else thinking about leaving the 9-5?
Perhaps drop to part time first – you need to find out if you are the sort of person who is able to focus on work and set yourself targets.
Any advice for anyone struggling to find their passion?
Don’t overthink it! Lose what you think you ‘should’ do and go with your gut instinct. If you find it hard, test out some new things. If I’d not been brave enough to test out sales I would never have found PR.
Andrea is a talented marketing and PR professional. You can see more of her work at