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A Huckleberry Christmas


December 21, 2015

When I lived in New Zealand, Christmas holidays for me had always meant a mandatory two week complete switch-off filled with reading books at the beach and summer parties with friends and family, making the most of long, sunny days. However since being in the UK, the combination of colder weather and fewer family members has meant that I’ve become quite accustomed, and happy, to only take a few days break over the Christmas period and focus a bit more on work.

Although I’m very lucky and excited to be heading over to Tuscany over Christmas and New Year, quite oddly, I’m looking forward to doing just a teeny bit of work while I’m there – obviously in between indulging in truffle-everything and daily cheese boards.

The idea of sitting on the couch in our Airbnb looking out to the wintry forest with my laptop and a bit of quiet time to think is a large part of what I’ve been fantasising about for the past few weeks. That feeling of getting ahead while the world slows down just a little bit seems like it will be oh-so-satisfying.

Of course you might think I’m completely mad, but the beauty of flexible working is being able to make these holiday breaks whatever we want them to be. Use the period to completely unwind, or to catch up on a few things – whatever your workstyle dictates!

Here a just a few thoughts, tips, and benefits of being a Huckleberry this Christmas.

Do some creative thinking

With time pressures and deadlines during the year, sometimes it’s easy to slip into a bit of an automated style of working – following the rules and getting things done. What I love about dedicating some time to work while on holiday is that I end up having the time and freedom to think outside the box a bit more. Whether it’s brainstorming with myself while on a bush walk, taking the time to scribble and explore ideas, or even bounce things off friends and family on holiday with me. It allows me to have a fresh perspective and see things as I may not have if I were sitting at my desk on a Tuesday afternoon.


Some love it, some hate it, but it always needs to be done, particularly if you’re a flexible worker. Being organised is a crucial part of being a Huckleberry so catching up on all that personal and work admin will make going back to work in 2016 so much smoother. And it doesn’t have to be all monotonous and boring – things like setting goals and reviewing your workstyle can be extremely rewarding. Think about what new things you’d like to achieve in the coming year; what do you want to look back on next Christmas and be proud of having done?

An excuse for time out

No one can deny it – it can get pretty full on this time of year. From non-stop board games with nieces and nephews to listening to Uncle Tim’s tales for the thousandth time, you might take any excuse for a little bit of quiet time!

Don’t forget about your colleagues

While I might be basking in the excitement of ticking a few things off my to-do list, I’m sure many others will be completely indulging in a lovely week or two of undivided family or holiday time which is key to bear in mind. Immediate responses to emails aren’t expected and perhaps it’s even worth thinking about whether or not to send your email if you know that person is on a proper break. Just a little bit of consideration goes a long way to helping the other Huckleberries have a great Christmas too.

So whether it’s spent horizontal on the couch, zooming around the countryside, or running a temporary turkey and mince pie restaurant for a few days, have a very Merry Christmas. May it be full of whatever your workstyle desires.

Qiulae Wong is an Associate at Huckleberry Partners, the Marketing Manager for Futureproof and she also works part-time as the Marketing Manager at the Ethical Fashion Forum. Originally from New Zealand, she loves the outdoors and warm weather.

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